Times were, when you wanted a PC; you went to the store and came home with a bulky box, filled with a tower, and other boxes that were filled with hardware to make it work. It was enough to give you a headache! Well good news, the times have changed, and one of those changes, is the availability of small form factor computers, now available from all PC manufacturers.
With the forward movement of technology, and the ability of computer makers to do more with processing chips it is now possible to make smaller computers that are as powerful, if not more so than their older brothers. You can buy all the popular brands from the Apple Mac mini, Dell Mini, eMmachine Mini, and a myriad of other small form factor computers for your home.
The most important thing you want to take note of, one simple thing, you will not be losing any power just because it’s smaller. If you’re an avid gamer that requires a lot of power, there’s a mini PC for you, even from your favorite manufacturer. You can easily increase your storage space by getting a dual core mini to take the place of that bulky computer you have. Designers who use heavy graphics in order to do their work, will not have to worry either; these PCs, although small, can keep pace with you so you can get your work done, and you’ll have more room to keep folders, and things you need right under your feet where the towering CPU used to be.
The systems are not limited except in their size, but they can carry the powerful tools you use with your regular PCs, all the way up to the 8mb Ram you want for your gaming, your HDD can be the same as large size PCs, and options are available just the same.
Power, performance, space saver, and all the benefits of personal computing are now available in some very small, useful, and intuitive packages from the likes of Dell, Apple, eMachine and other computer manufacturers. Take a look for yourself and see if it’s worth your buying. With their versatile size, ease of operation, the small form factor or mini PC is poised to dominate the desktop computer market in the future. Check them out for yourself.